Quotage From Feherty Live on Golf Channel

Last night’s Feherty Live at the Super Bowl featured Tim Tebow, Fuzzy Zoeller and Joe Theismann. I didn’t see the show, but people were raving about it. We do have some quotage from the show and we have a look for you.


Stage Performance of ‘Feherty Live’ will Air as a Two-Hour Golf Channel Special, Saturday at 10 p.m. ET; Show will Re-air Monday, Feb. 6 at 10 p.m. ET
“I believe that a human being’s sense of humor is kind of our last line of defense against whatever horrors life throws at us.” – David Feherty on why he does his Golf Channel show.
“Honestly, I look at myself as a football player first, then a quarterback. Sometimes that’s the way I like to play.” – Tim Tebow on getting hit.
“I’m absolutely passionate about it.” – Joe Theismann on golf.
“I don’t think drugs will help a golfer.” – Fuzzy Zoeller on performance-enhancing drugs in golf.

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Feb. 3, 2012) – Funnyman David Feherty’s off-beat humor and unique interview style was on full display tonight before a raucous Indianapolis audience during the Golf Channel production of Feherty Live, a special stage performance at Super Bowl XLVI. The performance was taped live at the Indianapolis Repertory Theater and will air as a two-hour special Saturday at 10 p.m. ET on Golf Channel.

Appearing on stage with Feherty were Denver Broncos quarterback and media sensation Tim Tebow, golfer and Indiana native Fuzzy Zoeller, Super Bowl-winning quarterback and current NFL Network analyst Joe Theismann, and former NFL coach and NFL Network analyst Steve Mariucci. MCA recording artist and country singer-Songwriter Josh Kelley and his band also performed.

Feherty, whose critically acclaimed Golf Channel series, Feherty, has been described as “a cross between Oprah Winfrey and Johnny Carson” by The New York Times, has been dubbed “one of the funniest men in the game” by Yahoo! Sports. The second season of Feherty premieres Feb. 27 at 10 p.m. ET on Golf Channel.

Highlights from the show:

TIM TEBOW ON PLAYING IN THE NFL:“Well, to be honest, playing in the SEC really helped me to play versus fast teams. That’s one of the biggest things you hear is you go to the NFL and it’s a lot faster. For me it wasn’t that. The biggest adjustment was the intelligence factor of a lot of defensive players.”

DAVID FEHERTY ON TEBOW’S FIRST THOUGHT AFTER THROWING GAME-WINNING TOUCHDOWN PASS IN THE PLAYOFFS: “Then I thought what was your first thought? I’ll give you three answers here, multiple choice. Do you think, A, it looks like I’m not going to be a car salesman next year. B, you know, I wonder if I could do that in the first quarter? Or C, take that, Elway, you old fart.”

TEBOW ON REACTION AFTER TOUCHDOWN PASS: “I jumped in the stands and I never jumped in the stands in college or NFL or anything. When I was in there, I was like I might not be getting out because they were holding on tight.”

TEBOW ON POSSBILE FUTURE IN POLITICS: “I don’t know, it could be something in my future. If it’s something I care about, possibly.”

STEVE MARIUCCI ON FIRST JOB IN THE NFL: “I was the first quality control coach in the National Football League back in 1985. I did it for nothing. I volunteered my services, actually.”

JOE THEISMANN ON IF ANY PLAYERS HAVE ANY KIND OF DREAMS ABOUT LAWRENCE TAYLOR THAT AREN’T NIGHTMARES: “I doubt if any guys that played him did. I tell you that when we play in a golf tournament, the only thing I ask him was don’t stand over my left shoulder.”

THEISMANN ON ELI MANNING: “Here we are in the city of Indianapolis with Peyton. It’s basically Peyton’s place, but all the conversation about Peyton I think takes a back seat to the job that Eli has done in proving himself as an individual and a great football player.”

MARIUCCI ON SUPER BOWL PREDICTION: “It’s going to be an evenly matched game. However, if I have to choose before game day morning, I’m going to pick the Giants.”

THEISMANN ON SUPER BOWL PICK: “I like the Giants also. It reminds me a awful lot of last year when the Green Bay Packers came in as a wild card and had to win so many games at the end of the season.”

FUZZY ZOELLER ON IMPORTANCE OF MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIPS: “In a golfer’s life, we kind of go by what we’ve done in the major tournaments. Augusta was my nearly first taste of a major that I dreamed about.”

TEBOW ON GOAL IN LIFE: “It’s about being a great role model. It’s setting an example for the next generation. My ultimate goal is to be an athlete that a mom and dad can look at their son or daughter and say that’s someone trying to do it the right way. That’s someone living with character.”

TEBOW ON BEING A BRONCO: “I love being in Denver right now, and I’m thankful that I’ve got the opportunity to be a Denver Bronco and live my dream every day.”

FEHERTY ON TEBOW IN FOOTBALL: “But I’ll tell you, it’s going to be a future, as long as football has you in it, it’s going to be a whole lot more fun to watch.”

ZOELLER ON BAD GOLF SHOTS: “I don’t get too uptight or too fired up about any shots. Bad shots happen. We’re human. Let’s accept that fact.”

That’s it.

About Ken Fang

Ken has been covering the sports media in earnest at his own site, Fang's Bites since May 2007 and at Awful Announcing since March 2013. He provides a unique perspective having been an award-winning radio news reporter in Providence and having worked in local television. Fang celebrates the three Boston Red Sox World Championships in the 21st Century, but continues to be a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan.
