The NFL Today on CBS Quotage For Week 15 of the 2012 Season

Onto The NFL Today on CBS which brings us its quotage for Week 15. The show spent its entire four minute “A” block on the Newtown, CT tragedy and a good part of its “B” block on the Josh Brent story.

Here’s the quotage.



(On former Commissioner Paul Tagliabue’s findings on the ruling of New Orleans’s Bountygate)
: The bottom line is the Commissioner, they got it right. The players are off.  The coaches are accountable. And with Drew Brees’ frustration I will say, the Commissioner is in a position right now where he’s trying to transition this league into a safer place. In doing that, it takes time. Coaches have to learn how to teach and how to interpret rules.  It takes tough decisions and fines.  They aren’t always popular. But the coaches in New Orleans created an environment, to me, that allowed these bounty allegations to exist. The bottom line, coaching negligence and arrogance has caused this disappointment in New Orleans, not any ruling.

DAN MARINO: Talk about the arrogance. They were told in 2009 to stop it. As a coach, that’s what they have to do. They didn’t do that. There would have been no penalties. We wouldn’t be talking about all of this if they just did what they were supposed to do at the time. So it comes down to the organization, the head coach, all the coaches. Drew Brees is frustrated. Basically, it’s a season that’s been thrown away.

BOOMER ESIASON: I get where he’s (Brees) coming from but I disagree with him.  I’m a big fan of Roger Goodell and what he’s done here. In 2006 he took over and had a mandate from the owners to clean this league up. He’s dealing with vicious hits and bounties, domestic violence issues, gun issues, DUI’s. He’s also dealing with a performance enhancing drug issue. So there are so many things that are on his plate. He has a zero tolerance policy, and I hope he continues to do it.

SHANNON SHARPE: To make a long story short, when you get more than one person involved in something, everybody always tries to minimize their responsibility and maximize everybody else’s responsibility. You see Gregg Williams. I tried to stop it. But Joe Vitt wouldn’t allow me to stop it. Joe Vitt keeps passing the buck. At the end of the day, I agree with Commissioner Tagliabue. The head coach could have put a stop to this, and it would have gone no further…Sean Payton, you are responsible, not Roger Goodell. You are responsible for what happened in New Orleans. Drew Brees, you made your point. Now can we move on? Your season is done. You’re not going to make the playoffs. Move on. Sean Payton, it’s your fault, you got dealt with.

In the wake of the tragic death of Jerry Brown, Dallas Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett talks with Jim Nantz about his team’s ability to persevere and focus on getting the job done on the field to honor their fallen teammate.

Click to view:

(On Dallas playing first home game since tragedy involving Jerry Brown and Josh Brent and reaction of Brown’s mother Stacey Jackson)
BOOMER ESIASON: She’s the most amazing throughout all of this. The compassion and courage she has for Josh Brent. I don’t necessarily know that I could be the same way, especially if Josh Brent would have killed somebody else in this unfortunate situation. The problem in the NFL is there are 18 DUI cases going on right now according to reports. And these guys have to be made an example of. I would immediately suspend anybody that got a D.U.I. until further notice. I don’t think the union would go for that. You have to take away from these players what’s most important to them. And playing on the field on Sunday is that. We have a major epidemic in this country when it comes to drunk driving. I don’t want to make this a social platform. But the fact of the matter is football players are examples. In this case, Josh Brent is the worst of those examples.


(On Baltimore firing Offensive Coordinator Cam Cameron)
Click to view:

(On the possible coaching job vacancies)
Click to view:

Still more quotage is next.

About Ken Fang

Ken has been covering the sports media in earnest at his own site, Fang's Bites since May 2007 and at Awful Announcing since March 2013. He provides a unique perspective having been an award-winning radio news reporter in Providence and having worked in local television. Fang celebrates the three Boston Red Sox World Championships in the 21st Century, but continues to be a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan.
