Jim Rome Reacts To Interview Smack From David Stern

Earlier today on his syndicated radio program, Jim Rome got into some verbal fisticuffs with NBA Communist China Sympathizer David Stern. Rome asked Stern about the NBA Draft Lottery being fixed. Then Stern got pissy and asked Rome if he still beat his wife, which came out of left field. Now unless we get word that Rome actually beats his wife, that question was uncalled for. In addition, Stern even gave Rome some smack on Stephen A. Smith.

Stern could and should have laughed it off, but whether it was from a lack of sleep or Stern wanted to strongarm Rome, the interview become rather contentious.

You can listen to the interview for yourself right here. The question comes at 7:39 in. And you can hear Stern ask the “Have you stopped beating your wife yet” question two times. Man.

On his CBS Sports Network show, Rome gave his reaction to the interview.


…from CBS Sports Network

On tonight’s episode of ROME on CBS Sports Network, Jim Rome addressed his radio interview with NBA Commissioner David Stern from earlier today.

(ROME ON HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH STERN): I’ve done interviews with David Stern several times over the years. We’ve always had a very good relationship. It’s been kind of a contentious give-and-take at times, but always a fundamental level of respect. I did not expect that to go that way and that was certainly not my intent.

(ROME ON STERN’S RESPONSE): It was a rhetorical device. A lot of people don’t know that phrase (‘Have you stopped beating your wife yet?’). They didn’t know where he was going. I understood it. I didn’t take great offense to it. I didn’t agree with it. But the fact of the matter is I thought my question was direct and it was not a loaded question. So I thought that analogy was inappropriate. My point is, I don’t think that it’s fixed (the NBA Draft). Even after that conversation, I don’t think that it’s fixed. But I thought the question was fair.

(ROME ON ASKING THE QUESTION): I was not looking to start anything. I thought it was a soft ball question, to be honest. I thought it was an easy question. I thought he’d say, ‘Come on, are you kidding? Conspiracy theories? The only people who believe that are whack jobs and people that are out of hand.’

MediaRantz goes in-depth on the whole interview.

More later.

UPDATE, 9:05 p.m.: CBS has now put the video from tonight’s show on its website and I’ve embedded it for you here. Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo Sports and Jason LaCanfora of CBSSports.com join Jim to react to the interview.

About Ken Fang

Ken has been covering the sports media in earnest at his own site, Fang's Bites since May 2007 and at Awful Announcing since March 2013. He provides a unique perspective having been an award-winning radio news reporter in Providence and having worked in local television. Fang celebrates the three Boston Red Sox World Championships in the 21st Century, but continues to be a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan.
