The Strange ABC Mic Flags

If you watched the NBA Finals on ABC last night, then you could not miss the debut of the new mic flags. Mike Breen, Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy all held them during the open of the NBA Finals. Then Doris Burke got to use the mic with the moving video throughout the game. Many found this distracting as it forced the viewer to focus on what was moving on the microphone rather than what was being said by the announcers. But it got ABC some buzz on Twitter last night which is what ESPN wanted. Here’s a video from the Recom Group demonstrating the mic flag.

And this is what the manufacturer is saying about the mic flag on the YouTube site.

The World’s First VIDEO MIC FLAG manufactured by The Recom Group. Available as 3 sided or 4 sided with High Definition OLED Displays. These are not LCDs, there are incredible High Brightness Organic LED Displays that will run continuously for 8 to 10 hours on a single charge (The record is 32 hours of continuous play from a single battery charge). Video logos are loaded onto the displays with a USB connector to your computer. Recom Group can even assist in turning your flat logo into an eye catching video logo. Each display can hold 2gb of content.

It’s just our Video Name Tags attached to a standard mic flag. They fit PERFECTLY on a standard Mic Flag. You can make it yourself. Just buy? the Video Name Tags from Recom Group (909) 599-1370.

That is all.

About Ken Fang

Ken has been covering the sports media in earnest at his own site, Fang's Bites since May 2007 and at Awful Announcing since March 2013. He provides a unique perspective having been an award-winning radio news reporter in Providence and having worked in local television. Fang celebrates the three Boston Red Sox World Championships in the 21st Century, but continues to be a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan.
