
Some Tuesday Late Links

I’ll give you a few links before I go to bed. First, Neil Best from Newsday who says he’ll stop blogging and write his column, then post four or five entries in the interim. Funny guy. Anyway, in writing tidbits about Chip Carey of TBS, Neil noted that the TBS crew was not biased against […]

Tuesday Update or "I Cry at Cinderella"

I’ll explain the title in a moment. Time to give you a few links this afternoon. Last night, WCBS Yankees announcer Suzyn Waldman was doing the postgame show and what she did has become fodder on blogs and sports radio stations across the country. And it’s unbeknownst to me why WCBS put this on its […]

Monday Night Links

I just finished watching the second installment of Ken Burn’s The War on PBS. Just like The Civil War, Baseball, Jazz, Mark Twain, Empire of the Air, and The West, this epic is excellent. I saw bits and pieces of the first installment on Sunday and all of tonight’s and Ken Burns’ storytelling is second […]

Saturday Morning Links

Let’s give you some links from the Saturday papers and anything I may have missed from Friday. CNBC’s Darren Rovell has two blog entries about Texas oil tycoon Boone Pickens who has donated a lot of money towards his favorite school, Oklahoma State. I mean, a lot of money. We’re talking in the hundreds of […]

Friday Links

I’ll do as many links as I can this morning. I do have to leave work today so I’ll give you as many as my time permits. First, USA Today, Fox and ESPN are talking with Major League Baseball about expanding their coverage when Barry Bonds gets closer to the all-time home run record. You […]

Thursday at the Open

I’m not really at the US Open at Oakmont, but thanks to US, I’m able to watch ESPN’s early round coverage plus watch a channel devoted to Tiger Woods’ play and now Phil Mickelson. Using NBC’s cameras, ESPN has had good coverage of the round. Mike Tirico, doing his first tournament of the year, […]

Thursday Update

Some more links for you today. Jim Williams of the DC/Baltimore Examiner has the preview of the sports weekend. He also mentions a new show, Fast Cars & Superstars, hosted by ESPN’s Kenny Mayne which premieres before the NBA Finals tonight. In his Newsday blog, Neil Best reports that SNY Mets analyst Ron Darling has […]

Thursday Stuff

Time for some links today. This is the day when the MLB Draft is televised for the first time. ESPN2 gets the honors so the Alleged Worldwide Leader will have the drafts of the NFL, NBA and MLB in its fold. Today’s draft is being held at Disney’s Wide World of Sports complex Josh Robbins […]
