The NFL Today on CBS and That Other Pregame Show Quotage for Week 3 of the 2013 Season

Now we move to the quotage from CBS’ pair of pregame shows from today, The NFL Today on CBS and That Other Pregame Show on CBS Sports Network.





(On Cleveland’s Trade of Trent Richardson)

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COWHER:  I think it’s a very hard sell for Rob Chudzinski. They keep talking about their running back, but to me, this is a reflection of the quarterback. They have no confidence in Brandon Weeden. They’re saying now we want to get two number ones and be able to get a quarterback for next year. That to me is the message you’re sending to your football team. There is something going on out there… I don’t know who is calling the shots in Cleveland, but to me there is a mixed message being sent out there. And if I’m the head coach, you can try to sell it anyway you want. But to me, this is clearly a reflection that they do not believe in Brandon Weeden.

(On RGIII’s injury and return)

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ESIASON:  You heard Dr. ElAttrache say he’s recovering in front of us.  He shouldn’t be recovering in front of us. He should not be playing in an NFL game…He should not have played the first two games, I don’t believe. Secondly you remember the adidas ad campaign, all summer long we heard, ‘Week One, Week One. I’m all in. I’m going to be back.’ So the pressure is on the young man to put himself back on to the football field. The adults in the room have got to stand up. I don’t think Coach Shanahan, Dan Snyder or Dr. James Andrews have handled this perfectly. They screwed it up at the end of last year in the playoff game. He shouldn’t have played against Seattle, and also here.

COWHER:  I think Dr. Bradley from Pittsburgh used to say it takes a full year to recover from an ACL, and a lot of it is mental. Physically he is probably able to be out there, but mentally, it has some anxiety… I know RGIII can play better, but he’s going to have to work through this. This is his first two games. Let’s not forget the reason for where they are, it’s this defense. It is atrocious.

(On Tom Brady’s body language on the field)

SIMMS: First off, I want to say what’s wrong with angry? I don’t get that. It’s a great thing. It’s a good thing for a quarterback to show leadership. How he acted out against the New York Jets, of course, that was over the top. Tom Brady is used to driving a Cadillac when you talk about that offense.Now, it’s not a Cadillac because of all those new receivers and you’ve got to adjust your football game, how you’re playing on the field.  But you also have to adjust your emotions and how you treat your fellow teammates.

DAN MARINO:  Tom Brady is frustrated and sometimes when’s you get frustrated, it’s not necessarily your teammates that you’re yelling at. You’re yelling at the situation you’re in. And there is overreaction in my opinion on this. The guy has no weapons right now. He’s going to have to work his way through this because he is used to being in a position where he has a weapon. But, he has won two games.

SHARPE: I played with a guy in John Elway who was every bit of Tom Brady‘s equal in his prime, and he never disrespected me and showed that kind of outward emotion even when I ran the wrong route and missed blocks and got sacked. There is a right and wrong way to handle everything. And that is clearly the wrong way.

BOOMER: I agree with Shannon 100%. Great leaders do not embarrass their teammates.

(On Rating the Top 5 Young Quarterbacks from 2011, 2012)

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BILL COWHER: Number Five was Robert Griffin. My only question on him was health. He’s been hurt in college, and he’s been hurt now a lot in Washington. Cam Newton, the guy’s got everything. He’s got power, strength, durability. He’s not on a very good football team, and 21 of his losses, 10 of those were in the fourth quarter. And Russell Wilson, he’s on the best team. He’s accurate, elusive, and he’s a great leader. Colin Kaepernick, again, these two guys are above there. He’s a runner who can throw the ball. My number one guy is a thrower who can run. That is Andrew Luck. Those are my five guys in that order, and I stand behind them.

BOOMER ESIASON: The reason I love Russell Wilson, third round draft choice. Nobody gave him a chance in the NFL. But not only has he done it, he’s done it in style and on the best team. And he’ll be the Super Bowl MVP this year.

PHIL SIMMS: I would take Colin Kaepernick first on that list…Colin Kaepernick, why I like him more than the other quarterbacks, he is the most dynamic thrower of that whole group, and that is going to stay with him his whole career. And I like his body type. He’ll be able to be a runner for many years because he’s lean and in great shape. So that’s why I take Colin Kaepernick number one.

CBS Sports Network That Other Pregame ShowTHAT OTHER PREGAME SHOW (TOPS) NOTES

(On moving a team to Los Angeles)

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AMY TRASK: No team is relocating to Los Angeles unless it’s the team the League wants in Los Angeles. There’s an arduous process a team has to go through before relocating. They have to demonstrate they cannot succeed in their current market. And in that regard the team is going to have to demonstrate that it tried everything possible and exhausted all options to succeed in the current market. And remember, market is not simply where the team is located. Market is defined as the 75-mile radius around that team. You have to prove you can’t succeed there. You have to prove you’ve exhausted all possible options and opportunities. And then, you must demonstrate to the league office initially not only that you have a great team to move, but you’ve got a deal in hand…And oh, by the way, there might be a relocation fee.

(On decision making for returning injured players)

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BOOMER ESIASON: They put in all of these protocols for concussions and everything else and I think they’re more than warranted. They’re certainly way too late in my estimation. But the fact is they’re there for concussions. They’re asking teammates, they’re asking coaches, they’re asking trainers and doctors and everybody to look at the player to decide whether or not they need to take his helmet away. So they’re really protecting the player from himself. Because the player is always going to want to play. However, some of this stuff has not made it down to the injuries below the waist – like in this case with RGIII playing in that playoff game on that awful field last year against Seattle, and then coming back (this season). We should not forget about what was going on this offseason – the Adidas ad campaign that said ‘We’re all in for Week One.’ Think about the pressure that is on this kid, who has bought into all of it.

That is all for this post.

About Ken Fang

Ken has been covering the sports media in earnest at his own site, Fang's Bites since May 2007 and at Awful Announcing since March 2013. He provides a unique perspective having been an award-winning radio news reporter in Providence and having worked in local television. Fang celebrates the three Boston Red Sox World Championships in the 21st Century, but continues to be a long-suffering Cleveland Browns fan.
