
If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Linkage

Time for some linkage on this Tuesday. I did listen to the debut of Andy Gresh on Sirius XM Radio last night. It was good. Gresh knows how to generate calls and get people to talk. I listened from 11 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and he had a good interview with former Oakland A’s pitcher […]

2009 Sports Media Predictions

I figure it’s time make some sports media predictions for 2009. The NHL Returns to ESPN – This has been speculated for so long that whenever a writer or blogger has discussed this topic, I have either turned the page or hit “back” on my browser. But I feel that NHL Czar Gary Bettman will […]

Some Thursday Night Links, Not A Lot

I’m actually doing some work tonight, but in between tasks, I’ll give you some linkage. Tripp Mickle of the Sports Business Journal has five off-the-ice issues to watch for the NHL this season. Neil Best of Newsday, through the LA Times, has UFC President-for-Life Dana White blasting Elite XC and CBS. Pete Dougherty of the […]

Tuesday Quick Links

I’ll give you a few quick links on this late Tuesday afternoon on the U.S. East Coast. Ken McMillan of the Hudson Valley Times Herald Record feels tonight is the Worst Sports Night of the Year. Not far off, I’m telling you. Newsday’s Neil Best wonders if Elite XC’s days on TV are numbered. Neil […]

Your Wednesday Night Linkage

Time to give you linkage now. One of these days, I’ll have internet access at work again so I can give you these during the day, but in the meantime, I have to do links at night and provide you with news when I can. This is so silly, but Broadview Networks which is the […]

The Amazing Race 13 Racers on Video!

Again, thanks to my new wife, puddin over at the Reality Fan Forum for finding this promotional video from CBS. Earlier this week, I posted the bios of the cast from the CBS website. Now, this is the video introducing the cast of the 13th season of the Amazing Race. Enjoy. And great news from […]

Meet The Amazing Race 13 Cast

I have already have a couple of favorites in this race, but I’ll point them out later. Thanks once again to my honeybun, puddin over at Reality Fan Forum for posting this: Original Video And you can meet the cast of this race right here.

Save Jericho Again

A new ad paid for by fans of the canceled CBS show, “Jericho”. If you’re a fan of the show like I am, lend your support to this site and sign up.

Tuesday Linkage

After getting stuck trying to get some paperwork done (sometimes work gets in the way of blogging), I can provide you with some links. Once again, I’ve been enjoying Wimbledon online. Whether you watch from ESPN360 or Mediazone or various backdoor sites, it has been fun to watch. The big test will be in August […]

Wednesday Morning Linkage

Time for some links this morning. My computer issues will be done by the end of this week so I’ll be back on a regular schedule soon. By the way, I’ve added the Red Sox Monster blog by Dan Lamothe to the Friends of Fang’s Bites list to the left so please visit it as […]

This Spotty Blogging is Killing Me

After not blogging since Friday night (not by choice), I’m back with a vengeance today. My home computer is totally on the fritz. I looked at a nice notebook that I’ll be getting over the next few days. And because I was out Sunday helping my sister move into a new apartment and at a […]

It's Back! The Friday Megalinks are Here!

After a week’s absence and the start of my massive computer problems, I give you the Friday megalinks. I appreciate your patience during this tough stretch for me. About another week and I should be back on track. Let’s go over the viewing weekend before we get into the megalinks. Weekend Viewing Picks There are […]

The Return of Your Humble Blogger and Some Links Too

My apologies for not updating the blog on Tuesday. This computer thing is getting out of hand. Yes, I’ll be getting a new computer. Yes, it will be soon. Yes, once I have the computer, the blogging schedule will be back to normal. Just bear with me. I should be back and blogging regularly next […]

The Mid-Week Linkage

It’s Wednesday and time to get some linkage today. I forgot to link to this last night. Bruce Allen of Boston Sports Media Watch wrote a very good piece about Spygate and the behavior of the national media during the whole scandal. Michael Hiestand of USA Today talks about the return of ESPN’s Rick Sutcliffe […]

The Monday Night Update

There’s a lot to get to including CBS naming the announcing team for the Elite XC mixed martial arts event it will carry later this month, plus a few other things. So let’s get to them now. First, Phil Swann of the TV Predictions website says Fox Sports Net plans to broadcast its entire lineup […]

Some Late Friday Night Links

I’ll give you some links tonight. It looks like I won’t be here to give you Saturday links until late so I may give you something else in the interim when you wake up. First, from Darren Rovell of CNBC, he wonders if Michelle Wie is truly done as a viable and marketable commodity. Considering […]

Amazing Race 13 Stuff

Thanks to my friends, the TAR Detectives, over at Reality Fan Forum, pieces of TAR 13 are coming together. Now, I know people from CBS visit this blog, so I’m not going to post anything here, but the info that has already been leaked from various sources tell us that the racers have already gone […]

Quick Tuesday Afternoon Update

As I’m trying to wrap a few loose ends before calling it a day, let me give you a few links. Newsday’s Neil Best after not blogging on Monday returns to blogging on Tuesday. He has a couple of ESPN-related posts. One is on the ESPN Films unit that produced four sports documentaries that will […]

Thursday Night Update

Now that the Bruins have won tonight setting up another conflict with the Red Sox for NESN, most likely, the network will put the B’s on the main channel in HD and move the Sox game against Texas to NESNplus. But we’ll wait for the announcement from NESN on that. In the meantime, let’s give […]

Wednesday Linkage or How Media Buyouts Affect You

It’s been a big week for media layoffs and buyouts. As someone who follows the sports media, it seems like every week, a local news or reporter is bought out or has had his/her contract terminated as part of cost cutting. It’s happening in newspapers, TV and radio. But this week, the bloodletting has cut […]
